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Shared ownership

The Hops in Dorchester

by Aster Homes

3 & 4 bedroom properties
£113,750 - £127,500 for a 25% share
£455,000 - £510,000 Full Market Value

Eldridge Street, Dorchester, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1GY

Aster Homes

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This is a Shared ownership development by Aster Homes


With a selection of 1, 3 & 4-bedroom shared ownership homes at Brewery Square in Dorchester, could The Hops be the stunning place you call home?

The Hops development and its affordable shared ownership homes give you the chance to jump on the property ladder in Dorset.

Want to learn more? You can contact our Dorset expert, Nicci - just use the number or your preferred contact method from the panel to ask your questions, and she'll be happy to help. 


The county town of Dorset, Dorchester is located on the edge of the Dorset Area of Outstanding Beauty, situated approx. 7 miles north of Weymouth and the Jurassic Coastline. Here, you will be able enjoy the charm of a historic market town, the surrounding beauty of the countryside, plus the convenient amenities and transport links of a larger town.

Travelling to and from Dorchester by its convenient transport links: 


With the selection of 1, 3 and 4-bedroom homes that we have for sale on this beautifully situated development, our properties make the perfect home for all!

We know the area you choose to call home needs to work for you, so from your brand-new home in Dorchester, Dorset, you'll have so much to do, including:


You might have thought that the cost of houses in Dorset would be prohibitive in such a competitive market, but our homes at The Hops are all for sale under our smart, simple shared ownership scheme. You buy a percentage share of a new home and pay rent on the remainder. You can even increase the percentage as time goes on, as your finances permit.

You can learn more about how shared ownership works here, or talk to Nicci to have all your questions answered - there's no such thing as a silly one!


At Aster, we understand that you want the security of owning your own home. You want to decorate, maybe you want to get that puppy you've been wanting, and you want space for the family to grow. We don't just sell houses; we help you secure a home and your future. 

If you're interested in these homes for sale at The Hops in Dorset just get in touch with Nicci whenever suits you and she can give you all of the details you need about these stunning 1, 3 and 4 bedroom homes.

*While we endeavour to make our property descriptions and plans fair, accurate and reliable, they are only a general guide to the property and may be subject to change. Accordingly, if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact the office and we will be pleased to check the position for you, especially if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property. Shared ownership homes are bought as leasehold properties, for more information speak to our team. Service charges and rent payable on the unsold equity of this property will be reviewed annually with any changes coming into effect on the 1st April each year. Your home may be at risk of repossession if you don't maintain your mortgage and rental payments.

CGIs are for illustration purposes only and may not be plot specific. External facing materials and landscaping shown may be subject to change. Internal CGIs have been digitally dressed to give you the impression of how your new home could look. Please contact our team for more information.

Example Shared ownership share price options

The following table shows examples of the share price range of this development at various share points

Share Lower priceUpper price
25% share£113,750£127,500
30% share£136,500£153,000
35% share£159,250£178,500
40% share£182,000£204,000
45% share£204,750£229,500
50% share£227,500£255,000
55% share£250,250£280,500
60% share£273,000£306,000
65% share£295,750£331,500
70% share£318,500£357,000
75% share£341,250£382,500

Are we missing any purchase information? Contact the developer

Please note: Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. Images may include optional upgrades at additional cost. Its purpose is to give a feel for the development, not an accurate description of each property. External materials, finishes, landscaping and the position of garages (where provided), may vary throughout the development. Properties may also be built handed (mirror image). Please ask for further details.