Seabreeze in Bridlington
by NorthCountry Homes
Calls cost 5p [or 5p per minute] plus your phone company's access charge
2, 3 & 4 bedroom houses and 2 bedroom bungalows
From £162,995
Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO16 6XS
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Bringing the most reasonably priced new homes to Bridlington.
We are thrilled to be offering 83 new homes, with a range of 2,3 and 4 bedroom semi-detached and detached properties which are located less than a 3mile drive away from the beautiful beaches of Bridlington if you are looking for your first home, or your forever family home, we may just have what you are looking for…
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Please note: Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. Images may include optional upgrades at additional cost. Its purpose is to give a feel for the development, not an accurate description of each property. External materials, finishes, landscaping and the position of garages (where provided), may vary throughout the development. Properties may also be built handed (mirror image). Please ask for further details.
Calls cost 5p [or 5p per minute] plus your phone company's access charge