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Coseley New Village in Tipton

by Persimmon Homes

Calls cost 5p [or 5p per minute] plus your phone company's access charge

Persimmon Homes

2, 3 & 4 bedroom houses
£225,000 - £385,500

Sedgley Road West, Tipton, West Midlands, DY4 8AD

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Coseley is a well-established residential area between Wolverhampton, Dudley and Wednesbury. It merges with its close neighbours and is part of the wider West Midlands metropolitan area that embraces Birmingham. The buzzing city is just a half an hour’s drive, or an even easier direct train journey, away.

With an excellent choice of two-bedroom apartments and two, three and four-bedroom houses, this is a setting that will suit growing families, young professionals and down-sizers.

The local neighbourhood and the big city put a great mix and match of facilities and amenities within easy reach. Whether that’s supermarket shopping close to home or day-out treat shopping at Birmingham’s famous Bullring, a local restaurant or a night-out in the city, the choice is yours. As for an escape to the country, that’s made easy too with the beautiful rural county of Shropshire a short distance to the west.

Coseley has a range of amenities and facilities, from supermarkets to convenience stores, from schools to leisure venues, from takeaways to local restaurants. Local green spaces include the Wren’s Nest Nature Reserve and the Silver Jubilee Park. Between them, the Springvale Way Retail Park and IKEA Birmingham at Wednesbury will have all that you need to set up your new home.

You won’t be short of things to do, not only have you got all the attractions and entertainment venues of Birmingham, for families you’ve got Dudley Zoo and Castle 3 miles away, for keeping fit you’ve got the Tipton Leisure Centre 2.5 miles away, for a history lesson you’ve got the Black Country Living Museum 2 miles away and for a breath of fresh air you can head to the Shropshire Hills – an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Coseley is just under 5 miles from Junction 9 of the M6 motorway and about 4.5 miles from Junction 2 of the M5, opening up straightforward access to the North West, the South West and across to Coventry for the M1. Train services from Coseley’s station are operated by West Midlands Railway, with connections to the West Coast mainline. The fast service to Birmingham New Street takes just 16 minutes. The A4123, Birmingham New Road runs through Coseley, providing a direct link between Wolverhampton and Dudley before connecting with the M5 at Junction 2.

Monday 11:00 - 18:00,
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00,
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00,
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00,
Friday 10:00 - 17:00,
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00,
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

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Please note: Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. Images may include optional upgrades at additional cost. Its purpose is to give a feel for the development, not an accurate description of each property. External materials, finishes, landscaping and the position of garages (where provided), may vary throughout the development. Properties may also be built handed (mirror image). Please ask for further details.

Calls cost 5p [or 5p per minute] plus your phone company's access charge